
Club Transfers

Player movement is a common process in competitive team sport, with individuals moving clubs post-season and mid-season. At present, there are no national regulations which govern the movement of players. Hockey in Australia is essentially an amateur sport, with few players legally contracted to a club to play. As a result, the rules governing the movement of players – player transfers – are managed by the associations and states which administer and run competitions across the country.

The features outlined below are system processes available in the OST platform to manage player transfers. There may be supporting documentation and other processes required (outside of OST) to ensure a player transfer is officially recognised by your competition’s governing body.

It is recommended that you consult your metropolitan and regional association administrators or your state body to determine how player transfers are managed and to seek guidance on the rules and regulations particular to your competition.


Requesting a Clearance

Step 1: A player contacts the club they wish to transfer to (new club) in order to request a clearance from their present club.

Step 2: The new club formally requests a clearance for the player from the previous club, via the network search in the Transfer section of MemberDesq.

Step 3:  The old club will then approve or reject the clearance. To find clearances awaiting your response check the transfer list in MemberDesq.

Step 4:  The player will then go through the registration process selecting his or her's new club.

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